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Gladius Display Sword (JSP648B)  
Gladius Display Sword (JSP648B) Points: 8   Additional photo in details view
Gladius 1st century BC with scabbard. Blade made of 440 steel. Handle made of ABS and metal alloys. The pommel and the guard are made of metal alloy. Comes with a black abs scabbard with a metal chain and richly engraved fittings. Blade with engraved decorations.
  63,00 EUR

Medieval Crusader Sword (SW-369)  
Medieval Crusader Sword (SW-369) Points: 6   Additional photo in details view
Crusader sword makes a nice display or presentation piece. Thick stainless steel blade with double fuller. Pommel fatures black crusader cross and brass studs. Handle is made of black composite and gives look of leather. Hardwood display plaque included.
  85,00 EUR

Herugrim Battle Forged Edition - Sword of King Theoden (UC3624)  
Herugrim Battle Forged Edition - Sword of King Theoden (UC3624) Points: 20   New items
This new Battle Forged edition of the popular Herugrim sword from The Lord of the Rings™ films is made in the traditional manner with a full tang, tempered 1070 high carbon steel blade.
  289,00 EUR

LOTR The Sword of Faramir (UC3547)  
LOTR The Sword of Faramir (UC3547) Points: 10  
This authentically detailed sword replica is a reproduction of the actual filming prop sword crafted by Weta Workshop of New Zealand and used in THE LORD OF THE RINGS films presented by New Line Cinema.
In stock 295,00 EUR

This Museum Collection edition of Anduril features a 1060 high carbon steel blade with several improvements over our standard version of the sword that more accurately replicate the hero filming props.
  675,00 EUR

LOTR Shards of Narsil Miniature (UC3600)  
LOTR Shards of Narsil Miniature (UC3600) Points: 8   New items
Miniature Collectible Shards of Narsil from Lord of The Rings Movie. Narsil is perhaps the most famous sword in The Lord of the Rings trilogy. A great battle was fought against Sauron at the end of the Second Age of Middle-earth, the Last Alliance of Elves and Men.
In stock 127,00 EUR

LOTR Sword of Eomer Scabbard (UC3522)  
LOTR Sword of Eomer Scabbard (UC3522) Points: 5   New items
This authentically detailed scabbard replica is a reproduction of the actual filming prop used in “The Lord Of The Rings” films presented by New Line Cinema. It is designed to fit the Sword of Eomer (UC3383).
  216,00 EUR

Lord of the Rings Sword of Theodred (UC3519)  
Lord of the Rings Sword of Theodred (UC3519) Points: 20  
The sword of Theodred, fallen son of King Theoden. Theodred ‘s sword was the mate to the sword of Eowyn, his cousin. It was virtually identical, except for its green enameling on the hilt and green leather grip.
In stock 349,00 EUR

Lord Of The Rings Guthwine The Sword Of Eomer (UC3383)  
Lord Of The Rings Guthwine The Sword Of Eomer (UC3383) Points: 30  
Eomer was a captain of the king’s cavalry, Marshal of the Mark, and one of Rohan’s mightiest warriors. He skillfully wielded his royal sword, Guthwine, and used it to slay many Orcs and Uruks of Isengard that dared trespass into Rohan.
  290,00 EUR

LOTR Anduril The Sword of King Elessar (UC1380)  
LOTR Anduril The Sword of King Elessar (UC1380) Points: 20   Additional photo in details view

Blade Material: Tempered, 420 J2 stainless steel, false-edged. Inscribed with runes. Handle: Solid metal crossguard and pommel with an antique silver plated finish and twenty-four karat gold plated fittings. The pommel is inscribed with runes and the grip is wrapped in genuine leather. Rat-tail tang construction. Plaque: Wood, silk screened with symbols of the Kingdom of Gondor.

Narsil/Anduril are perhaps the most famous swords in "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy. At the end of the second age of Middle-earth, Narsil's blade was shattered, as Elendil fell during the Last Alliance of Elves and Men in the great battle against Sauron, creating the Shards of Narsil. Isildur, Elendil's son, then used the broken hilt of Narsil to cut "The One Ring" from Sauron's finger, breaking the bonds of his power, banishing his evil shadow into the darkness. The Shards were kept in Rivendell, the house of Elrond, for safe keeping. Legend told that the sword would one day be reforged and the king would return.
In stock 289,00 EUR

LOTR Sword of Samwise (UC2614)  
LOTR Sword of Samwise (UC2614) Points: 23   Additional photo in details view
United® Cutlery, industry leader, has meticulously recreated the actual filming prop. The blade was created from stainless steel instead of carbon steel as used on the original prop, in order to guarantee the replica will last a lifetime with little maintenance. The replica was created using the finest grade materials and craftsmanship available. Each replica is laser-serial-numbered on the blade and marked with the appropriate copyrights to ensure authenticity.
In stock 189,00 EUR

LOTR Glamdring The Sword of Gandalf the White (UC1265)  
LOTR Glamdring The Sword of Gandalf the White (UC1265) Points: 20   Additional photo in details view
Glamdring sword from the Lord of the Rings Movie. Made by United Cutlery. Each piece comes with a certificate of authenticity.
Blade Material: Tempered 420 J2 stainless steel.
Handle Material: Solid metal crossguard and pommel with antiqued metal finish and engraved Elven Runes. Genuine leather-wrapped handgrip. Rat-tail tang construction.
Plaque:10" X 16-1/2" X 5/8" wood. Wood grain finish with silk-screened designs.
In stock 295,00 EUR

LOTR Narsil Sword (UC1267)  
LOTR Narsil Sword (UC1267) Points: 20   Additional photo in details view

Blade made from tempered 420 J2 stainless steel.
Handle Material: Genuine leather wrapped handle with antique silver plated finish cross guard and pommel with 24 kt gold plated fittings. Pommel is engraved with Elven runes.
Plaque:10" X 14-3/4" X 5/8" wood. Wood grain finish with silk-screened designs.

Narsil Sword, the ancient sword of the King Elendil. It was the Narsil sword that severed the ring of power from the hand of Sauron. Engraved on the pommel are runes in the Elven language of Sindarin that say: Narsil is my name, a mighty sword; Telchar made me in Nogrod.
Narsil is perhaps the most famous sword in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. At the end of the second age of Middle-earth, Narsil`s blade was shattered as Elendil fell during the Last Alliance of Elves and Men in the great battle of Sauron. Isuldur, Elendil`s son, then used the broken hilt of Narsil to cut the One Ring from Sauron`s finger, breaking the bonds of his power, banishing his evil shadow into the darkness.
  289,00 EUR

LOTR The Sword of Strider (UC1299)  
LOTR The Sword of Strider (UC1299) Points: 15  

Blade Material: Tempered 420 J2 stainless steel, false-edged. Handle Material: Solid metal crossguard and pommel, antique metal finish, genuine leather-wrapped grip, full-length tang construction. Plaque: 10-5/8" x 13-1/4" x 3/4" wood, adorned with the heraldic insignia of the Kingdom of Gondor. Hardware, instructions included.

Strider" (also known as Aragorn") is the son of Arathorn, and heir to the Kingdom of Gondor. His ancestor, Isildur, was the legendary King, who cut the Ring of Power from the hand of Sauron with his sword Narsil" (UC1267, also available). Strider" has served as a Ranger and joins the Fellowship to destroy the Ring that threatens his countrymen.
In stock 299,00 EUR

LOTR Hadhafang The Sword of Arwen (UC1298)  
LOTR Hadhafang The Sword of Arwen (UC1298) Points: 15   Additional photo in details view

Blade Material: Tempered 420 J2 stainless steel, sharp-edged. Hand Grip: Wood handgrip adorned with an Elven vine design, solid metal pommel, full-length tang construction. Display: 15-1/8" x 4-3/8" x 3-1/4" wood, silkscreened Elven design.

Arwen's" sword is called Hadhafang which means Throng-cleaver. It once belonged to the Elven princess Idril, who wed a mortal man and bore Earendil, the father of Elrond who in turn was father to Arwen. Before Arwen's birth Elrond wielded Hadhafang at the end of the second age of "Middle-Earth," during the Last Alliance of Elves and Men in the great battle against Sauron. Later his daughter Arwen used Hadhafang when she aided Frodo in his escape from the Ringwraiths. Inscribed on the blade are runes in the Elven language of Sindarin that say "aen estar Hadhafang i chathol hen, thand arod dan i thang an i arwen." This translates to "this blade is called Hadhafang, a noble defense against the enemy throng for a noble lady."
  275,00 EUR

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