DVD Cold Steel Fighting With The Saber And Cutlass (VDFSC) |
“Fighting with the Saber and Cutlass” is really not for people who are only interested in gaining dexterity in sport fencing or the learning the superficial choreographic techniques used for stage and screen. There are plenty of resources available on the market for learning those skills. This DVD set is designed as a serious, straightforward, and focused course that deals solely with the combative use of the saber and cutlass.
DVD Cold Steel The Fighting Sarong (VDFS) |
Points: 7
Ron Balicki will take you through a comprehensive look at the Indonesian and Filipino art of “The Fighting Sarong”. To date this art is relatively unknown to the world. Ron has trained in Sarong fighting for over 20 years and is sharing his vast knowledge with you today.
DVD Cold Steel Self Defense With The Sjambok (VDFSK) |
Points: 7
In addition to its use as a cattle prod, whip, and a means of self protection, the African Sjambok is also known as a formidable snake killer. Its considerable reach, lightning speed and devastating impact make child’s play of dispatching some of the biggest snakes. And you can imagine how devastatingly effective it is on two legged predators as well. A light blow can raise a serious welt while a heavy stroke can cut through thick clothing as efficiently as a razor, leaving a fearsome yet non-lethal wound.
Tags: swords, sword, katana, wakizashi, tanto, japanese sword, medieval sword, viking sword, japanese swords, medieval swords, viking swords, knife, knives, saber, armour, movie swords, movie replicas, martial arts, sporting goods, sporting equipment,