Category: » Swords » Chinese Swords |
Oxtail Saber (Niu Wei Dao) Dynasty Forge |
The Oxtail Saber was used predominantly by martial artists rather than the military, making the design difficult to attribute to a specific time period. Nevertheless, the Oxtail Saber is the most popular and recognizable of the Chinese broadswords. The Dynasty Forge Oxtail Saber is forged from 1095/1085/1060 high-carbon steel. The sheath is hand-carved from hardwood while the handle features a hardwood core wrapped in green cord. The fittings are based on an antique specimen attributed to the Qing Dynasty and have a highly stylized floral motif.
Tags: sword, swords, chinese sword, chinese swords, dao sword, dao swords, taichi sword, tai chi sword, taichi swords, tai chi swords, tai-chi, chinese saber, chinese sabre,