Folding Knife Emerson A-100 Black Serrated (A100) |
Points: 15
Symmetry, Grace, and Power. These three words describe the Emerson Model A100 knife perfectly. When I first started making knives, before “Tactical”, I was making this pattern. I liked it then just as much as I like it now. This knife became the archetype from which all of my other designs have evolved . It is the “Father” of all my tactical designs. In fact it might be the “Grandfather” of all tactical knife designs that now exist. It’s simple, it works, and it never gives up. See for yourself.
Black finish 154CM stainless serrated blade with thumb lug. Black G-10 handles with black finish stainless pocket clip. Lanyard hole. Sold Out
Knife Emerson Commander Black (Commander-BT) |
Points: 15
The Emerson Commander is the winner of the "Best Overall Knife of the Year" at the International Blade Show in Atlanta, GA. The Blade Show is the world's largest cutlery showcase and is the cutlery industry's premier event. This award is judged by fellow manufacturers and is the highest honor and most sought after award in the cutlery industry.
The Emerson Commander is a 21st century combination of design, materials, performance, and razor sharpness. This knife along with other Emerson Knives, sets the new standard for the cutlery industry and continues to push the design and performance envelope for cutting tools well into the 21st century.
The Commander knife-battle tested and proven-incorporates some of the most advanced ergonomics ever featured on a folding knife. The knife, already in use with elite armed forces, European Military strike teams and NATO Counter-Terrorist units throughout the world was chosen by the U.S. Navy SEAL teams for issue to special units within the Naval Special Forces Units. Because of its ruggedness, it has become a favorite of hunters, outdoorsmen and adventurers the world over. It features the patented "wave shaped opening feature"
154CM premium steel plain Black-T coated blade with radial thumb lug and wave feature. Black G-10 handles. Black T-coated stainless pocket clip. Lanyard hole. Sold Out
Knife Emerson Commander Black Serrated (COMBTS) |
Points: 15
The Emerson Commander is the winner of the "Best Overall Knife of the Year" at the International Blade Show in Atlanta, GA. The Blade Show is the world's largest cutlery showcase and is the cutlery industry's premier event. This award is judged by fellow manufacturers and is the highest honor and most sought after award in the cutlery industry.
The Emerson Commander is a 21st century combination of design, materials, performance, and razor sharpness. This knife along with other Emerson Knives, sets the new standard for the cutlery industry and continues to push the design and performance envelope for cutting tools well into the 21st century.
The Commander knife-battle tested and proven-incorporates some of the most advanced ergonomics ever featured on a folding knife. The knife, already in use with elite armed forces, European Military strike teams and NATO Counter-Terrorist units throughout the world was chosen by the U.S. Navy SEAL teams for issue to special units within the Naval Special Forces Units. Because of its ruggedness, it has become a favorite of hunters, outdoorsmen and adventurers the world over. It features the patented "wave shaped opening feature"
154CM premium steel partially serrated Black-T coated blade with radial thumb lug and wave feature. Black G-10 handles. Black T-coated stainless pocket clip. Lanyard hole. Sold Out
Knife Emerson Mini Commander Black (MCOMBT) |
Points: 15
This is the Emerson Mini Commander - a smaller and more pocket friendly Commander. It has the "wave shaped feature" and is just as formidable as its full sized father. Strong as a Bull Moose and tough as nails.
The Mini-Commander features our Patented "wave shaped opening feature" or Remote Pocket Opener. In an emergency or injury situation the knife can be opened with one hand as it is drawn from the pocket.
154-CM stainless plain Black-T coated blade with radial thumb lug. Black G-10 handles with Black-T coated stainless pocket clip. Lanyard hole. Sold Out
Knife Emerson Mini Commander Black Serrated (MCOMBTS) |
Points: 15
This is the Emerson Mini Commander - a smaller and more pocket friendly Commander. It has the "wave shaped feature" and is just as formidable as its full sized father. Strong as a Bull Moose and tough as nails.
The Mini-Commander features our Patented "wave shaped opening feature" or Remote Pocket Opener. In an emergency or injury situation the knife can be opened with one hand as it is drawn from the pocket.
154-CM stainless partially serrated Black-T coated blade with radial thumb lug. Black G-10 handles with Black-T coated stainless pocket clip. Lanyard hole. Sold Out
Knife Emerson Super Commander Black (SCOMBT) |
Points: 20
The Super Commander features our Patented "wave shaped opening feature" or Remote Pocket Opener. In an emergency or injury situation the knife can be opened with one hand as it is drawn from the pocket.
154CM premium steel plain Black-T coated blade with radial thumb lug and wave feature. Black G-10 handles. Black T-coated stainless pocket clip. Lanyard hole. Sold Out
Knife Emerson Super Commander Black Serrated (SCOMBTS) |
Points: 20
The Super Commander features our Patented "wave shaped opening feature" or Remote Pocket Opener. In an emergency or injury situation the knife can be opened with one hand as it is drawn from the pocket.
154CM premium steel partially serrated Black-T coated blade with radial thumb lug and wave feature. Black G-10 handles. Black T-coated stainless pocket clip. Lanyard hole. Sold Out
Knife Emerson Mini CQC-7B Wave Black (MC7BBT) |
Points: 12
The ultimate traveling companion. This knife was developed as a direct result of overwhelming customer demand. You wanted it, now you can have it. With a smaller pocket size version, featuring a blade under 3 inches, this knife can now be carried safely in most regions on earth. You can carry it in your pocket or clipped to your pocket. From the hot dusty streets of Morocco to the footpaths of the Hindu Kush, from the subways of Paris to the crowded streets of New York, this knife will be your constant companion. The Mini-CQC-7 features our Patented "wave shaped opening feature" or Remote Pocket Opener. In an emergency or injury situation the knife can be opened with one hand as it is drawn from the pocket.
154CM premium steel plain Black-T coated chisel ground tanto blade with radial thumb lug. Black G-10 composite handles. Stainless pocket clip. Sold Out
Knife Emerson Mini CQC-7B Wave Black Serrated (MC7BBTS) |
Points: 12
The ultimate traveling companion. This knife was developed as a direct result of overwhelming customer demand. You wanted it, now you can have it. With a smaller pocket size version, featuring a blade under 3 inches, this knife can now be carried safely in most regions on earth. You can carry it in your pocket or clipped to your pocket. From the hot dusty streets of Morocco to the footpaths of the Hindu Kush, from the subways of Paris to the crowded streets of New York, this knife will be your constant companion. The Mini-CQC-7 features our Patented "wave shaped opening feature" or Remote Pocket Opener. In an emergency or injury situation the knife can be opened with one hand as it is drawn from the pocket.
154CM premium steel partially serrated Black-T coated chisel ground tanto blade with radial thumb lug. Black G-10 composite handles. Stainless pocket clip. Sold Out
Knife Emerson CQC-7B Wave Black (C7BWBT) |
Points: 15
Due to tremendous demand from our customers we have finally produced a version of our signature knife, the CQC-7B model, with the "wave shaped feature". This knife has all of the qualities that have made it the legendary knife that it has become, but now with the lightening quick "wave shaped opening feature".
154CM premium steel Black-T coated plain chisel ground tanto blade with radial thumb lug and wave feature. Black G-10 composite handles with stainless pocket clip. Sold Out
Knife Emerson CQC-7B Wave Black Serrated (C7BWBTS) |
Points: 15
Due to tremendous demand from our customers we have finally produced a version of our signature knife, the CQC-7B model, with the "wave shaped feature". This knife has all of the qualities that have made it the legendary knife that it has become, but now with the lightening quick "wave shaped opening feature".
154CM premium steel Black-T coated partially serrated chisel ground tanto blade with radial thumb lug and wave feature. Black G-10 composite handles with stainless pocket clip. Sold Out
Knife Emerson Super CQC-7 Black (SC7BT) |
Points: 15
We put a spearpoint blade in it, we made a mini version of it, we even put the "wave shaped feature" on it. This knife just won't go away. It just keeps getting better. Introducing the Super 7, the bigger, badder brother of the CQC-7 knife. I put this knife off as long as I could, but the demand was too great to wait any longer. Now, you can have your cake and eat it too. This knife answers the call for the large version of the CQC-7 knife. It's a real hand full, and I mean that both figuratively and literally. This is not just a knife anymore. It is an awesome cutting machine.
This is just about as close to having a Samurai Sword in your pocket as you can get.
The Super CQC-7BW features our Patented "wave shaped opening feature" or Remote Pocket Opener. In an emergency or injury situation the knife can be opened with one hand as it is drawn from the pocket.
Plain Black-T coated 154CM premium steel chisel ground tanto blade with radial thumb lug and wave feature. Black G-10 composite handles. Lanyard hole. Stainless pocket clip. Sold Out
Knife Emerson Super CQC-7 Black Serrated (SC7BTS) |
Points: 15
We put a spearpoint blade in it, we made a mini version of it, we even put the "wave shaped feature" on it. This knife just won't go away. It just keeps getting better. Introducing the Super 7, the bigger, badder brother of the CQC-7 knife. I put this knife off as long as I could, but the demand was too great to wait any longer. Now, you can have your cake and eat it too. This knife answers the call for the large version of the CQC-7 knife. It's a real hand full, and I mean that both figuratively and literally. This is not just a knife anymore. It is an awesome cutting machine.
This is just about as close to having a Samurai Sword in your pocket as you can get.
The Super CQC-7BW features our Patented "wave shaped opening feature" or Remote Pocket Opener. In an emergency or injury situation the knife can be opened with one hand as it is drawn from the pocket.
Partially serrated Black-T coated 154CM premium steel chisel ground tanto blade with radial thumb lug and wave feature. Black G-10 composite handles. Lanyard hole. Stainless pocket clip. Sold Out
Tags: swords, sword, katana, wakizashi, tanto, japanese sword, medieval sword, viking sword, japanese swords, medieval swords, viking swords, knife, knives, saber, armour, movie swords, movie replicas, martial arts, sporting goods, sporting equipment,