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Hanwei Tori XL Katana (SH6007XFF)  
Hanwei Tori XL Katana (SH6007XFF) Points: 55   Additional photo in details view
The Tori katana combines truly elegant furniture and a powder-steel folded blade with the functionality of our Performance Series. The Tori features a "Flying Crane" themed Tsuba and Fuchi/Kashira while the Menuki are Kabuto or Japanese helmets. The high quality brown leather Tsuka-ito is wrapped over black Same. The Saya is wrapped at the mouth with black-lacquered rattan and then finished in a textured brown. The Tori is available in three folded steel cutting blade profiles and three Iaito blade lengths.
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Hanwei Tori Tanto (SH6007KFT)  
Hanwei Tori Tanto (SH6007KFT) Points: 24  
The Tori Tanto is built on a forged and folded blade with the handle wrapped in the highest quality ray skin. The Crane and Armour theme is carried through the furniture while the Saya matches the textured brown of the katana. This is undoubtedly one of the most elegant mounts ever crafted by CAS/Hanwei.
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Hanwei Oni Katana (SH6018KLG)  
Hanwei Oni Katana (SH6018KLG) Points: 75   Additional photo in details view
The Oni are mythical creatures from Japanese folklore similar to western demons or trolls. In modern culture they are beginning to move away from this menacing connotation into the role of guardian or protector, similar in character to gargoyles. Their power and ferocity, however, have not diminished. There is a Japanese saying which translates to "Oni with an iron club", or to be of an invincible nature, a fitting association with the 29" L6/Bainite blade on which our Oni Katana is built. The blade features the geometry of our Performance Series for outstanding cutting ability. The 14" tsuka is wrapped in black ray skin and silk ito while the Koshirae feature Oni in various classical styles. A unique combination of folklore and functionality.
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Practical Pro Elite Katana (SH6009KPG)  
Practical Pro Elite Katana (SH6009KPG) Points: 30   Additional photo in details view
The Practical Pro Elite Katana has an extended tsuka and a thicker and longer (29") Performance Series blade with a finer polish when compared to others in the Practical series. The blade is forged in high-carbon steel and differentially hardened using the traditional claying method. The rayskin-covered tsuka is wrapped with cotton ito and is double-pegged for safety. The saya is finished in a deep black lacquer with a black Japanese cotton sageo. The fittings (koshirae) are finished in antiqued black iron. The katana feature a round Kuruma tsuba, which represents the 'Wheel of Dharma', symbolizing the Buddhist concept of the Noble Eightfold Path.
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Samurai Katana and Wakizashi Set Tiger (JS-658/3)  
Samurai Katana and Wakizashi Set Tiger (JS-658/3) Points: 8   Additional photo in details view
Set of two samurai swords, katana and wakizashi. Blades: 440 stainless steel. Wooden black saya with oriental imprint. Includes wood display stand for two swords.
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Samurai Katana and Wakizashi Set  Dragon (JS-782/3)  
Samurai Katana and Wakizashi Set Dragon (JS-782/3) Points: 8   Additional photo in details view
Set of two samurai swords, katana and wakizashi. Blades: 440 stainless steel. Wooden black saya with oriental imprint. Includes wood display stand for two swords.
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Nature Shirasaya Katana Set of 3 (JS-703N4)  
Nature Shirasaya Katana Set of 3 (JS-703N4) Points: 12  
Set of 3 swords. Blade: 440 stainless steel, with false hamon and japanese inscriptions.
Saya: natural wood.
Includes wooden display stand.
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Spyderco Native Plain (C41PBK)  
Spyderco Native Plain (C41PBK) Points: 5  
Engineered for the human hand, the Native's ergonomic design maximizes cutting ability while minimizing discomfort and fatigue. This model is all about combining performance and comfort. Since the portion of the knife most in contact with the user is the handle, that became key while the model was in initial development on the drawing table.
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Spyderco Military G-10 Combination Edge(partially serrated) (C36GPSE)  
Spyderco Military G-10 Combination Edge(partially serrated) (C36GPSE) Points: 6  
A cornerstone in Spyderco's Save and Serve line up, the Military Model came about after someone asked Spyderco's owner Sal Glesser, "If your son were going into the military what folding knife would you send him with?" For certain, it had to meet the requirements of a high-performance, light-weight folder designed for hard use.
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Spyderco Military G-10 Spyder Edge(serrated) (C36GSE)  
Spyderco Military G-10 Spyder Edge(serrated) (C36GSE) Points: 9  
A cornerstone in Spyderco's Save and Serve line up, the Military Model came about after someone asked Spyderco's owner Sal Glesser, "If your son were going into the military what folding knife would you send him with?" For certain, it had to meet the requirements of a high-performance, light-weight folder designed for hard use.
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Spyderco Para Military G-10 Plain Edge (C81GP)  
Spyderco Para Military G-10 Plain Edge (C81GP) Points: 9  
The most awaited mid-sized survival knife of 2004. When Spyderco initially introduced our Military Model critics claimed it too large and more knife than the average user needed. Likewise, fans enthusiastically heralded the knife's big performance attributes. We arrive at the question knife manufacturers often ask themselves, "How do we satisfy both worlds and create a mid-sized knife that acts, cuts and performs like a larger knife?" Our answer was the Para Military.
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Spyderco Para Military G-10 Spyder Edge(serrated) (C81GS)  
Spyderco Para Military G-10 Spyder Edge(serrated) (C81GS) Points: 9  
The most awaited mid-sized survival knife of 2004. When Spyderco initially introduced our Military Model critics claimed it too large and more knife than the average user needed. Likewise, fans enthusiastically heralded the knife's big performance attributes. We arrive at the question knife manufacturers often ask themselves, "How do we satisfy both worlds and create a mid-sized knife that acts, cuts and performs like a larger knife?" Our answer was the Para Military.
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Spyderco Harpy  (C08S)  
Spyderco Harpy (C08S) Points: 6  
Like the claw of the Harpy eagle the C08 is shaped for controlled pulling cuts. The hawkbill blade shape originated in the marine/fishing industry where severing rope, line, webbing and netting is done at arm's length quickly and efficiently. The curving arc holds what you're cutting against the sharpened edge keeping it from slipping off the tip.
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Spyderco Centofante 4 (C66BK-4)  
Spyderco Centofante 4 (C66BK-4) Points: 4  
Spyderco’s Centofante4 folder represents the evolutionary refinement of previous Centofante/Spyderco collaborations. Its thin-profiled fiberglass reinforced nylon (FRN) handle is furrowed with grip enhancing channels and inset with a Palladium silver Spyderco logo bug.
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Spyderco Salt I Black FRN Plain Edge (C88PBK)  
Spyderco Salt I Black FRN Plain Edge (C88PBK) Points: 4  
Model Delica jest jednym z bestsellerów firmy Spyderco. Klienci wybierają ten model przede wszystkim dzięki jego rozsądnym wymiarom, uniwersalnemu kształtowi i sprawdzonej wytrzymałości. Sensownym ruchem było więc użycie do tego modelu stali H1, tak też się stało, wraz z kilkoma modyfikacjami. Model Salt I charakteryzuje się bardziej zaokrąglonym i grubszym czubkiem. Ponieważ stal H1 została opracowana głównie do użytku w wilgotnym środowisku, wprowadzono właśnie zaokrąglony czubek, który w większym stopniu sprawdza się w pracach związanych z rybołówstwem czy żeglugą.
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