Thaitsuki Hoso Kumiage Katana (KTN3) |
Points: 45
The Hoso Kumiage Japanese Katana (KTN3) is specially handmade and forged from special high carbon Japanese steel making it an extremely sharp, strong and flexible blade with bo-hi (groove).
Blade is clay tempered(40/60 HRC) , water quenched(not oil) and hand polished.
The tsuka (handle) is covered in same' (ray skin) and the Tsuka Ito (handle wrap) is 100% Japanese silk. The Koshirae (menuki, habaki, fuchi, kashira) are handmade from 99% silver.
The Hoso Kumiage Japanese Katana can be completely disassembled for full maintenance.
Thaitsuki Kumori Katana (KTN4) |
Points: 45
The Kumori Japanese Katana (KTN4) is specially handmade and forged from special high carbon Japanese steel making it an extremely sharp, strong and flexible blade with bo-hi (groove). Blade is clay tempered(40/60 HRC) then quenched in the water. Polishing live blade,razor edge and notarae hamon.
The tsuka (handle) is covered in black same' (ray skin) and the Tsuka Ito (handle wrap) is 100% Japanese silk. The Koshirae (menuki, habaki, fuchi, kashira) are handmade from 99% silver.
The Kumori Japanese Katana can be completely disassembled for full maintenance
Thaitsuki Suekoto Hondachi Katana (KTN5) |
Points: 60
The Suekoto Hondachi Japanese Katana (KTN5) is specially handmade and forged from special high carbon Japanese steel making it an extremely sharp, strong and flexible blade with bo-hi (groove). Blade is clay tempered(40/60 HRC) , water quenched(not oil) and hand polished. Black matt finish saya included with koiguchi(buffalo horn).
The tsuka (handle) is covered in black same' (ray skin) and the Tsuka Ito (handle wrap) is 100% Japanese silk. The Koshirae (sword mounting/fittings) are handmade from 99% silver.
The Suekoto Hondachi Japanese Katana can be completely disassembled for full maintenance.
Thaitsuki Kanshiki Wakizashi (WK01) |
Points: 35
The blade is Koto style, forged from Japanse High Carbon steel, clay coated, heat treated(differentially tempered 40/60 HRC), hand polished and features a half bo-hi. The Koshira feature a eligent Koto style design. The saya has a rich dark brown gloss finish with a buffalo horn Koiguchi. The tsuka ito is wrapped in a golden brown Japanese silk with black same' and features brass antique style Fushi, Kashira, tsuba and 99% silver menuki, seppa and silver Habaki.
The Kanshiki Japanese Wakizashi is forged using the Japanese Nihonto metheod and can be completely disassembled for full maintenance. This Japnese wakizashi is extremely sharp and is fully functional.
Thaitsuki Isamashii Wakizashi (WK02) |
Points: 40
The blade is Koto style, forged from Japanse High Carbon steel, clay coated, heat treated, hand polished and features a half bo-hi. The Koshira feature a eligent Koto style design. The saya has a rich black gloss finish with a buffalo horn Koiguchi and silver kurikata. The tsuka ito is wrapped in a black Japanese silk with white same' and features brass antique style Fushi, Kashira, tsuba and 92.5% silver menuki, seppa and silver Habaki.
The Isamashii Japanese Wakizashi is forged using the Japanese Nihonto metheod and can be completely disassembled for full maintenance. This Japnese wakizashi is extremely sharp and is fully functional.
Thaitsuki Furui Shishi Sanmai Katana (S01) |
Points: 80
Blade - Koto style ,High Carbon steel forged and folded 1024 layers,please see the blade structure image. Clay coated,heat treated,hand polished. With full bohi.Hardness 60 HRC(Edge) 35HRC(Body)
Koshirae - Elegant Koto style brown matt saya, Silver 92.5% Koiguchi Kurikata and Kojiri,Dark brown genuine cow leather tsuka- ito, Brass Fuchi / Kashira, silver Menuki, Copper Classic Tsuba, silver seppa and Habaki.
This sword is extremely sharp and can be completely disassembled for full maintenance.
Thaitsuki Dokuji nami Sanmai Katana (S02) |
Points: 80
Brass swiftlet i the sky Tsuba blackened.Buffallo horn Koiguchi & Kojiri .Wrap darkblue Silk sageo from japan. Brass Nami Fushi & Kashira blackeded in traditional way.Silver 92.5% couple of fish menuki. Blue silk tsuka ito. The authentic silver habaki for classical look. Hada(Dramascas) from 1024 layers and hamon from difference type of steel.
Tahitsuki Roiyaru Sanmai Katana (S03) |
Points: 70
Blade - Koto style, high carbon steel forged and folded 1024 layers, please see the blade structure image. Clay coated, heat treated, hand polished. With half bohi. Hardness 60 HRC(Edge) 45HRC(Body)
Koshirae - Elegant Koto style Black matt saya, Silver 92.5% Koiguchi Kurikata and Kojiri. Gold-Brown genuine silk tsuka- ito from Japan. Brass Fuchi / Kashira, silver couple of Japanese floral Menuki , Brass blackened Tsuba , silver seppa and Habaki.
This sword is extremely sharp and can be completely disassembled for full maintenance.
Roiyaru Sanmai Wakizashi (S03W) |
Points: 70
SANMAI Blade difference 2 types steel between soft folded 1024 layers and hard steel inside .Hardness 40-60 HRC. Brass sedge Tsuba blackened.Silver Koiguchi & Kojiri .Wrap Gold-Brown Silk sageo from japan. Copper Fushi & Kashira stick with silver floral of royal by fire blow. Nice kissaki and yokote. Hada(Dramascas) from 1024 layers and hamon from difference type of steel.
Tags: thaitsuki, katana, shinken, cutting katana, japanese sword, samurai sword, nihonto katana,