Cold Steel Sword Norman Sword (88NOR) |
Points: 19
The Norman lust for battle and ravenous desire for land and treasure can, like their famous sword be undoubtedly traced to their Viking forefathers who wrenched their homeland in northwestern France from the hands of Charles the Simple in the Treaty of Saint-Clair-sur- Epte in 911 AD.
Never satisfied with thier lot, it wasn't long before they once again took up their broad, double- edged swords and set sail across the English Channel to conquer Britian most famously, at the battle of Hastings in 1066 AD.
Cold Steel Norman Sword Man At Arms Collection (88NORM) |
Points: 10
These practical and battle ready swords lack the gleaming blades and polished silver steelwork of our other swords, but they pack a resounding punch where it counts!
Approximating the quality and performance of our high end swords, the Man at Arms collection features a selection of some of our finest high performance blades.
Their fully sharpened and blued blades have a distinctive gun metal finish that compliments their black leather handles, and when well-oiled they are gleamingly beautiful in their own right. Sold Out
Tags: swords, sword, katana, wakizashi, tanto, japanese sword, medieval sword, viking sword, japanese swords, medieval swords, viking swords, knife, knives, saber, armour, movie swords, movie replicas, martial arts, sporting goods, sporting equipment,