Cold Steel Indian War Club |
Points: 3
Indian War Club is approximately 2 ft. long and features a 3 1/4'' in diameter ball. It is fitted with a removable blunt, short steel spike. Hornbeam is scarce and not readily available in commercial quantities, so our club is injection molded out of black Polypropylene which is practically unbreakable. It will never rot, crack warp, splinter, swell, shrink mildew, or fade. For historical re-enactors the surface has a realistic wood grain finish that can be easily customized with paint and can be ornamented with brass studs, tacks, or feathers.
Tags: swords, sword, katana, wakizashi, tanto, japanese sword, medieval sword, viking sword, japanese swords, medieval swords, viking swords, knife, knives, saber, armour, movie swords, movie replicas, martial arts, sporting goods, sporting equipment,